The overall project aims to provide an interactive mapping tool that can be used to support organizing and policy change aimed at decreasing the scope of the prison system which is physically, socially, and psychologically toxic to our communities.
The project is a collaboration between academics and grassroots organizers, including formerly and currently incarcerated individuals, working with environmental justice and abolitionist movements. Isidor Studio was brought on to the project to design a website to host the mapping tool, with information and visuals contextualizing the project. The web design seeks to balance bold visuals and typography alongside clear content to provide a powerful visual experience to engage and inform its audience. In particular, Isidor Studio created a set of collage visuals that blend aerial mapping alongside scenes of activisim to visually reinforce the themes of the project.
Preserving African American Places seeks to understand the implications of place-based injustice and their impact on the preservation of African American cultural heritage, as well as to identify preservation-based strategies for equitable growth and development that respect the historical and present-day realties and conditions of African American Neighborhoods.
DownloadIn the summer of 2018, ten students at universities across the United States were selected as AACHAF Research Fellows and were commissioned to research and write essays on neighborhood change and historic preservation in ten study cities.